Wilhelmina, fondly known as Willie, holds a cherished place as a beloved member of the Door County community. Having navigated through multiple life-threatening diagnoses, Willie and her family encountered significant hurdles. Struggling to make ends meet, and unsure where to turn, Willie found solace and aid in the embrace of the caring community that held her dear.
Wilhelmina Grace Leist’s journey has been one of remarkable accomplishments and enduring love. She graduated from Gibraltar High School in 2010 and continued her education at UW-Eau Claire, obtaining her degree in 2014. Later, she pursued her Masters in Occupational Therapy at Carrol University. Alongside her high school sweetheart, Robert Leist, she embarked on the beautiful journey of marriage in 2018. Three years later, their joy multiplied as they welcomed their precious baby girl, Harlow Ray, into their lives.
Unfortunately, life has presented Willie with some tremendous challenges. In early 2023, she received her third life-threatening diagnosis in the past 8 years. Despite undergoing a double mastectomy and another smaller procedure, the life-threatening illness has returned. These treatments came with substantial financial burdens.
The power of community and compassion shone brightly as Door County rallied around Willie, Robert, and Harlow, extending their heartfelt support. The outpouring of generosity through a crowdfunding page surpassed all expectations, raising over $50,000. But the giving didn’t stop there. The community organized several spirited events, including a volleyball tournament, a golf scramble, and raffles. These events were more than just fun and games; they symbolized unity and a shared commitment to make a difference. With unwavering dedication, the community united with Willie, transforming a difficult diagnosis into a journey filled with hope and strength by helping to alleviate some of a family’s financial worries.
In times of adversity, the love and support of a caring community can make all the difference. The collective efforts of Door County have not only lightened the financial load but also served as a beacon of hope, reminding Willie, Robert, and Harlow that they are surrounded by a network of love, kindness, and resilience. This inspiring display of compassion reaffirms the incredible strength that emerges when people come together to uplift one another during life’s challenges.